Image from the bakery Zavod Janez dela

Case study from Slovenia : “Janez dela”


In the framework of WP. 2 on of the Slovenian project partner, Cene Štupar, went to visit Janez dela.

In the framework of WP. 2 on of the Slovenian project partner, Cene Štupar, went to visit Janez dela.

Zavod Janez dela - employment center was founded due to the need for jobs for people with special needs or people who are difficult to employ.

Its main activity is baking bread and other bakery products.

The WISE was created with the great support of the Janez Levc Center Ljubljana.
It is aimed at adults with mild intelectual disabilities and the underserved in the open labor market, who are given the opportunity to be sustainably employed in a semi-sheltered workshop – bakery.

The case study here was conducted by Cene Štupar. As evident from the pictures, the bakery is a demanding but enjoyable place to work. The workers list the smell of freshly baked bread as one of the main benefits, as well as working in a fun collective.

They offer nine different types of bread and smaller products made from the same dough. If desired, they also bake other bakery products, such as milk poppy seeds, various braids, croissants, puff pastry, apple or cottage cheese rolls. On special occasions, also doughnuts, potica, savory pastries, cookies...

When asked what they are most proud of, an employee replies that:

»For all the products we offer, we strive for traditional baking, hand shaping and baking without added additives. This is one of the best bakeries in the city.«

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Proiectul B-WISE, Plan pentru Cooperare Sectorială în domeniul Abilităților în Întreprinderile Sociale de Inserție (Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises), este un proiect Erasmus + coordonat de EASPD cu sprijinul ENSIE.