Case Study from Italy : Stranaidea

Case Study from Italy : Stranaidea


In the framework of WP.2 the Italian project partner Idee in Rete went to visit a WISE from Turin, Stranaidea!

In the framework of the Second Work Package of the B-WISE project, an Italian partner, Idee in Rete, went to visit Stranaidea to know more about their employees, their skills needs and how they work.

Stranaidea is a type A + B WISE based in Turin and founded in 1986. Which means that it operates to support and accompany people with disabilities and mental illness (Type A) and act for the integration through work of disadvantaged people through environmental activities (Type B).

Stranaidea is a productive WISE B that is active in many areas of activity: maintenance of green areas in cities, waste collection and management as well as  cemetery and maintenance services. It participates to the fulfilling of Sustainable Development Goals by providing equitable and qualitative education, reducing inequalities and ensure sustainable patterns in production and consumtion.

Among its employees, 40 percent are disadvantaged workers, this number has been stable throughout the years.


Learn more about Stranaidea here :

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Het B-WISE project (Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, blauwdruk voor sectorale samenwerking inzake vaardigheden van sociale ondernemingen voor arbeidsintegratie) is een Erasmus+ project dat gecoördineerd wordt door EASPD (European Association of Service Providers for Persons with Disabilities) met de steun van ENSIE (European Network for Social Integration Enterprises).