
All the articles are available in English here :

22. 07. 2024

15. 07. 2024

09. 07. 2024

05. 07. 2024

02. 07. 2024

27. 06. 2024

10. 06. 2024

29. 11. 2023

23. 11. 2023

18. 10. 2023

09. 10. 2023

24. 09. 2023

02. 03. 2023
Additional Project Meeting

Additional Project Meeting

Learning outcomes for enablers, supporters, and workers with support needs in the sector of Social Enterprises were discussed.

13. 02. 2023
Objava izvješća o razumijevanju potreba korisnika (digitalnih) vještina u WISE-ovima

Objava izvješća o razumijevanju potreba korisnika (digitalnih) vještina u WISE-ovima

Partneri na projektu B-WISE sa zadovoljstvom najavljuju objavljivanje “Izvješća o razumijevanju potreba korisnika (digitalnih) vještina u WISE-ovima”.

14. 12. 2022
Speakers during the event

Presentation of the first project report in Brussels!

On November 18th, Euricse and Lichtwerk presented the first project results during ENSIE event "Being a WISE in 2022"!

30. 11. 2022
Image from the bakery Zavod Janez dela

Case study from Slovenia : “Janez dela”

In the framework of WP. 2 on of the Slovenian project partner, Cene Štupar, went to visit Janez dela.

05. 10. 2022
Picture of Iliotropo.

Case Study from Greece: Iliotropio

In the framework of WP.2 the Greek project partner Ev Zin went to visit Iliotropio!

03. 10. 2022
Picture of the participants to the meeting.

Latest news from the project!

All the partners met online to discuss the next steps of the project!

30. 09. 2022
Report from the Bulgarian Case Studies

Report from the Bulgarian Case Studies

In the framework of WP.2 the project partner from Bulgaria prepared a summary of its case study !

28. 09. 2022
Where are we regarding WP2 Building “Scenarios” and “Personas”

Where are we regarding WP2 Building “Scenarios” and “Personas”

After an intense phase to define the Scenarios (WISEs), WP2 Phase 4 involved researchers from all over Europe conducting Case Studies in the project countries to define Personas.

16. 09. 2022
Studija slučaja Hrvatska: Humana Nova

Studija slučaja Hrvatska: Humana Nova

U okviru WP.2 hrvatski projektni partner ACT Grupa posjetio je Humanu Novu!

05. 09. 2022
Case Studies from Austria : Fix und Fertig, WAMS association & Bicycle

Case Studies from Austria : Fix und Fertig, WAMS association & Bicycle

In the framework of WP.2 the Austrian project partner arbeit plus went to visit three Austrian WISEs : Bicylce, Fix und Fertig and WAMS association!

30. 08. 2022
Case Study from Italy : Stranaidea

Case Study from Italy : Stranaidea

In the framework of WP.2 the Italian project partner Idee in Rete went to visit a WISE from Turin, Stranaidea!

13. 08. 2022
Case study from Belgium : Mariasteen

Case study from Belgium : Mariasteen

In the framework of WP2 of the project, the Belgian partner in the B-WISE project, Lichtwerk, went to interview workers at Mariasteen !

06. 08. 2022
Case Study from Latvia: OWA

Case Study from Latvia: OWA

In the framework of WP2 of the project, the Latvian partner in the B-WISE project, Social Enterpreneurship Association of Latvia, went to interview workers at OWA!

30. 07. 2022
Case Study from Spain: Meeting with Hemily

Case Study from Spain: Meeting with Hemily

In the framework of WP2, Fundacion ONCE met with Hemily, a WISE worker.

23. 07. 2022
Case study from the Netherland: De Lokatie and De Prael

Case study from the Netherland: De Lokatie and De Prael

In the framework of the B-WISE project, the partners are currently doing case studies to prepare scenarios and personas of WISEs workers with a specific focus on digital skills. In this framework one of the Dutch project partner De Omslag interviewed in Amsterdam, two work integration social enterprises (WISEs): De Lokatie and De Prael.

13. 07. 2022
Case study from Romania: Emmaus Satu Mare – social enterprise for young people

Case study from Romania: Emmaus Satu Mare – social enterprise for young people

RISE Romania, visited Emmaus Satu Mare in the framework of the B-WISE project to learn more about skills and skills needs.

13. 07. 2022
Focus Groups to know more about national WISEs specificities

Focus Groups to know more about national WISEs specificities

To improve the project knowledge on WISEs, national focus groups were organised throughout Europe, in April 2022 composed of WISEs representatives, WISEs experts and relevant stakeholders.

05. 07. 2022
 B-WISE at the Social Economy, the Future of Europe conference in Strasbourg!

B-WISE at the Social Economy, the Future of Europe conference in Strasbourg!

On May, 6th, the B-WISE project organised a workshop on a “Panorama of work integration at European level – the B-WISE project first year” during the "Social economy, the future of Europe" conference in Strasbourg. 

03. 07. 2022
Skills needs and skills gaps in WISEs - the B-WISE project

Skills needs and skills gaps in WISEs - the B-WISE project

In the framework of the EU VET Skills week, the partners of the B-WISE project organised a webinar on “Skills needs and skills gaps in WISEs” on May, 18th.

22. 06. 2022
Radionica o projektu B-WISE na EASPD-ovoj godišnjoj konferenciji

Radionica o projektu B-WISE na EASPD-ovoj godišnjoj konferenciji

EASPD je 5. svibnja organizirao radionicu pod nazivom “B-WISE: Vještine za budućnost: WISEs su spremni” kako bi predstavio prve rezultate B-WISE projekta u okviru godišnje konferencije EASPD-a na temu “Budućnost prava na rad: Koja je uloga socijalne ekonomije?"

24. 05. 2022
Picture of the first focus group in Romania

First focus group in Romania!

ADV Romania organised the first focus group of the B-WISE project in Romania to discuss WISEs!

25. 04. 2022
The B-WISE project was presented in Italy

The B-WISE project presented in Italy

SCF, one of B-WISE Italian partners presented the project during an event on April, 6th.

10. 04. 2022
The B-WISE project launching event took place in Brussels

The B-WISE project launching event took place in Brussels

U četvrtak, 14. listopada, 30 partnera projekta B-WISE okupilo se u Bruxellesu na događaju pokretanja B-WISE-a projekta!

26. 10. 2021
Prva aktivnost B-WISE-a: mapiranje WISE-a u Europi!

Prva aktivnost B-WISE-a: mapiranje WISE-a u Europi!

Prva aktivnost započeta u okviru projekta B-WISE je mapiranje europskih WISE-ova, koje je napravio EURICSE!

22. 07. 2021
Projekt B-WISE sudjelovao je u EUSES-u!

Projekt B-WISE sudjelovao je u EUSES-u!

Projekt B-WISE organizirao je sesiju tijekom Europskog summita o socijalnoj ekonomiji (EUSES) krajem svibnja!

02. 06. 2021
B-WISE Početni sastanak!

B-WISE Početni sastanak!

Projekt B-WISE započeo je početkom godine, a službeno je pokrenut početnim sastankom među partnerima krajem siječnja!

30. 04. 2021

Podrška Europske komisije za izradu ove web stranice ne predstavlja potporu sadržaju koji odražava samo stajališta autora, te se Komisija ne može smatrati odgovornom za bilo kakvu upotrebu informacija koje se u njoj nalaze."

Projekt B-WISE, Nacrt za sektorsku suradnju o vještinama u društvenim poduzećima za integraciju rada, projekt je Erasmus + koji koordinira EASPD uz potporu ENSIE-a.