Where are we regarding WP2 Building “Scenarios” and “Personas”

Where are we regarding WP2 Building “Scenarios” and “Personas”


After an intense phase to define the Scenarios (WISEs), WP2 Phase 4 involved researchers from all over Europe conducting Case Studies in the project countries to define Personas.

After an intense phase to define the Scenarios (WISEs), WP2 Phase 4 involved researchers from all over Europe conducting Case Studies in the project countries to define Personas.

The research framework started from an assumption that the objective of capacity building cannot be adequately realised unless we are able to understand that European WISEs, although within certain unifying traits, are different from each other in their objectives, operational styles, organisation, size, entrepreneurial orientation, etc; and that the people working in WISEs, disadvantaged workers, supporters and enablers, are diverse in terms of starting skill levels, life histories, investment in learning, etc.

From this it follows that, in order to be effective, the definition of a capacity building strategy must be designed with reference to the different types of WISEs and the different types of persons working in them. In other words, attention has to be paid to the creation of 'Scenarios' (the different types of WISEs) and 'Personas' (the different types of disadvantaged workers, supporters and enablers), so as to ensure that training and learning respond to the different skills needs.

During this phase Idee in rete, in cooperation with ENSIE and EASPD, providing their unique European perspective, started writing the WP2 final deliverable "Report Understanding user (digital) skill needs in WISEs" . The WP2 report collects and summarises the outcomes of the research work conducted by all partners, it is therefore a work aimed at bringing together objective aspects (the competences that are lacking, partly highlighted already in WP1 and then deepened in WP2) with subjective aspects concerning both the different types of WISEs and the different types of operators they host. Basically, the question running through this report is: what are the characteristics of the individuals we want to propose a capacity-building training strategy?

All the partners met on September 13th to take stock of the latest about the report. It is right now being finalised by the whole partnership and we are impatient to be able to publish it later this year!

El apoyo de la Comisión Europea a la producción de esta publicación no constituye la aprobación de su contenido, el cual solo refleja el punto de vista de los autores, y la Comisión no es responsable del uso qeu se pueda hacer de la información aquí contenida

El proyecto B-WISE, Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, se trata de un proyecto Erasmus+ coordinador por EASPD con el apoyo de ENSIE.