The B-WISE project was presented in Italy

The B-WISE project presented in Italy


SCF, one of B-WISE Italian partners presented the project during an event on April, 6th.

Scuola Centrale Formazione, one of B-WISE Italian partner, presented the project during an event on "Digital literacy and employability: no one excluded", organised on April, 6th, in the framework of the TAACTIC project in San Lazzaro di Savena, Italy,

This event was a multiplier event that took place in person and online. 

TAACTIC is a three-year long project , in which the EVT Consortium is a partner in collaboration with the member It2.  The project is reaching its end and took the opportunity to present the project and the 4 outputs already finalized (IO1, IO2, IO3, IO4). A PowerPoint presentation was realized to present the 4 outputs (see annexes). Moreover it has been an opportunity to share other experiences and projects that work on digital skills as necessary in terms of social inclusion, training and labour market of disadvantaged people (see annexed presentations). Among the experiences presented:

  • Bread and Internet. The Emilia-Romagna Region's project for citizens' digital skills among the finalists in the National Award for Digital Skills promoted by the Department for Digital Transformation of Palazzo Chigi.
  • Inclusion activities for people in fragile and vulnerable conditions thanks to the contribution of the Emilia-Romagna Regional Employment Agency

During the event, the B- Wise project was presented, with a focus on the digitalisation of social enterprises for work integration. he participants animate the different sessions with questions and answers showing a big interest on the topic and sharing reflections:

  • Digital competences are one of the modern keys to an inclusive life in our society.
  • Digital competences are considered necessary in terms of social inclusion, training and the labour market. Digital technologies are a tool to accompany the development and change of processes, competences and organisations.
  • The demand for e-skills goes beyond economic sectors, territories, professional areas, educational qualifications and can bring innovation also in the more "traditional" sectors.
  • More and more often we talk about hybrid jobs and about figures who are asked to combine and integrate traditional tasks with digital and soft skills, in order to adapt to new organisational and production methods.
  • Connection between soft skills and e-skills: the very fast and constant change brought about by digitalisation requires even more soft skills (e.g. openness to change, problem solving, team working, creative thinking, communication skills).

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El proyecto B-WISE, Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, se trata de un proyecto Erasmus+ coordinador por EASPD con el apoyo de ENSIE.