B-WISE Steering Committee meeting

B-WISE Steering Committee meeting


Partners met today in Brussels and online for the B-WISE Steering Committee meeting. Meeting started with the introduction by Camilla Baldini and Claudia Pinessi, from Consorzio Nazionale Idee in Rete, regarding the dissemination of results of WP2, and a presentation about the D3.1 Report on occupational profiles. Laura Minieri, from Scuola Centrale Formazione, presented the link between the areas of expertise and the selected Learning Outcomes in the framework of WP3/ T3.2 Development of Learning Outcomes presentation. Melanie Schaur from Johannes Kepler University Linz explained the development of training curricula in the framework of the WP3. Partners discussed about progress made and next steps to take regarding these work package. 

Afterwards, partners discussed the MOOC development (WP3), preparation of the pilot implementation (WP4) and preparation of the certification process (WP5), introduced by Nóra Györke from EASPD. Martina Paterniti, from ENSIE, explained the tasks related to WP6: Sectoral Skills Strategy (Blueprint) for WISEs sector. 

Finally, tasks regarding communication and dissemination, management and coordination, and quality assurance and evaluation were debated.



The European Commission  support for the production of this publication does not constitute endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

The B-WISE project, Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills in Work Integration Social Enterprises, is an Erasmus + project coordinated by EASPD with the support of ENSIE.